Welcome to the next level of hell

Nicknames: JEM/Pink/Poink
Age: 23 (96 | mouse)
Birthday: March 10 (pisces)
Ethnicity: 广东人(廣東人)[Cantonese]
Alignments: ESFP [Alternately ENFP] (Formerly: ENFJ) | Neutral Evil (Formerly: Lawful Neutral)
Biases: All the ones you see here are my main boys

©JEM/@AlwaysYouIPU | All rights reserved.

♥ Thank you for coming into my life. You're the people that brighten my day alongside other people. I'm glad to have met each and everyone of you. I dedicate this song to you guys ♥ [There are more of you but I have a limited amount of space ;; so here's a text shout out to: all the friends i've made here and a particularly special shoutout to the potato clown gang]

Meggy Moo


      Seeing ASTRO for the 3rd Time

        Half a Year Trip to China [Returned in November]

          A.C.E. Undercover NJ

          These are not all the groups I like but are the ones I pay most attention to. I tend to love underrated/appreciated male groups. [UNB and UNI.T, as well as the participants of The Unit, are very special in my heart]

          Please support Benji on Music Access, every day (Live: Monday - Friday | Pre-recorded: Saturday and Sunday) at 2pm KST on Vlive/Youtube channel: Arirang Radio [Can also be viewed on Arirangradio.com]